July Updates
Rising costs can increase stress and frustration at home, but there are resources available that can help. We’ve gathered several food assistance resources and free activities for families below.
Food Assistance
For many families in the Commonwealth, the loss of free school meals and rising grocery costs leaves kids at risk of missing meals during the summer. If you are in need of food assistance for your family, you can contact these resources.
- Children’s summer meal programs
- Kentucky Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- Locate baby formula or find similar formulas
- Text FOOD or COMIDA to 304-304 to find free summer meals in your community.
Free Activities
Your local library is a great place to look for free summer reading programs, classes for all ages, and fun events your family can experience together. Activities that can be done at home together are also a great way to strengthen your family while saving money.
- McCracken County Summer Reading Program
- Calloway County Summer Reading Program
- Graves County Events and Summer Reading Program
- Hickman County Summer Movies
- Cooking as a family creates opportunity to teach your children important skills, creates memories with your family, and helps save money by eating at home.
The mission of the Lotus Survivors Council is to advise and assist Lotus on matters related to survivors of child abuse and sexual violence.
The Survivors Council meets regularly and holds a critical role in helping Lotus better respond to the needs of survivors and provide guidance on survivor-centered awareness initiatives, training efforts, and policy and legislative proposals.
If you have experienced sexual violence in any form, and are seeking an opportunity to connect with fellow survivors and grow your leadership skills, learn more and apply on our website below!
June kicks off the The Community Foundation of West Kentucky Fred Paxton Fund Challenge for Charities 2022. When you make a gift to Lotus through the Fred Paxton Fund Challenge for Charities before August 31, your gift will be matched up to $10,000! This means your gift makes twice the impact by helping Lotus create opportunities for survivors, children, and families to hope, heal, and grow.
Make your gift online and select Lotus Children’s Advocacy & Sexual Violence Resource Center or mail a check indicating Lotus in the memo line, payable to:
Community Foundation of West Kentucky
Fred Paxton Challenge for Charities
P.O. Box 7 Paducah, KY 42002
Virtual Survivor-led Support Group
While every survivor’s story is different, we believe there is power in community. If you are a survivor of sexual violence, we invite you to join Lotus, Ampersand, and Hope Harbor, Inc. each Monday for our virtual survivor-led support group. There is no expectation to attend every week. Learn more and register to attend.
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is July 30. You can help identify and report possible trafficking by learning the warning signs of trafficking. Learn more about efforts by the Attorney General’s office to address human trafficking in Kentucky on our blog.
The Danger of Too Much Screen Time for Teens
Our kids are living their lives through social media, watching TV, and playing video games. Learn what new studies are discovering about the mental health effects of too much screen time.
Building Social Emotional Competence in Children
Growing evidence suggests that even more important than a child’s ability to count to 10 and say their ABCs is their ability to recognize and regulate their emotions. Check out ways parents and caregivers can help to help their children develop social emotional competence.
Celebrating the Eighth of August
Every year, African-Americans in parts of Western Kentucky and central Tennessee gather to celebrate Emancipation, a homecoming tradition begun in 1868. Learn more about the history behind this day, or attend the Eighth of August Emancipation Celebration events, August 3-8, hosted by W.C. Young Community Center.
Being a Child Advocate Beyond the Legislative Session
Advocacy is important all year round – not just in Frankfort during the legislative session. Check out these ways to be an advocate for yourself, your family, and your community during these summer months!
Mondays (ongoing): Survivor Led Support Group @ 6:00 p.m. CDT
Hosted by Lotus, Ampersand, and Hope Harbor | Virtual
Tuesday, July 19: Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children® Child Abuse Prevention Training @ 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. CDT
Hosted by Lotus | Virtual
Tuesday, August 23: Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children® Child Abuse Prevention Training @ 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. CDT
Hosted by Lotus | Virtual