Show Your Support: How to support families in your community



At Lotus, we strive to be leaders of a mission that not only ends child abuse and sexual assault, but also, an organization that contributes to building a strong community.

— Lisa Potter, Lotus Family Advocate

Strong communities start with strong families. Children grow and learn best in families with the support and skills needed to face difficult times that every family experiences. As your regional Children’s Advocacy Center, Lotus partners with caregivers to build protective factors and cope with stressors so families are resilient and children thrive.

Megan Meade, a Lotus Family Advocate, describes some of the services Lotus provides for families.

“Lotus provides a lot of services that impact the community. We provide trauma-focused therapy services as well as advocacy services. We also have an entire team that does community outreach and education. They work in the school systems and community to provide support and educational materials. They also provide programs on mindfulness and other restorative programs. One of the newest programs is a Poetry Workshop for Survivors.”

Lotus also offers Parent Cafes, which provide opportunities for parents in the community to connect with each other through conversations and support. Trained volunteers can serve as table hosts at Parent Cafes and help facilitate connection. Learn more about how to get involved as a table host by visiting our volunteer page.

As families navigate through obstacles brought on by the pandemic, a support network of services and individuals helps caregivers and children build resilience together.

“Currently, families find themselves unemployed or underemployed due to shortened hours/staff at work,” says Lisa. “Also, due to similar circumstances, individuals can find themselves overworked due to lack of staff or sick coworkers.”


Whether you are a caregiver, neighbor, or simply a supportive community member, you can play a part in helping families hope, heal, and grow.

What can you do to help?

Our family advocates shared eight ways that you can get involved and support families in our community.

  1. Become a Lotus volunteer and create care packages for families, learn how to become a table host for Parent Cafes, and more.
  2. Invite a Lotus expert to speak at your event or gathering.
  3. Destigmatize mental health counseling and therapy by connecting friends and family to resources.
  4. Donate new or gently used items to places like the Salvation Army, Starfish Ministries, and local shelters.
  5. Listen and take action when others ask for help. You can provide comfort and support simply by responding, “how can I help you overcome this challenge?” or “I would be happy to help you with that.”
  6. Celebrate diversity by learning how to start a conversation about race.
  7. Be an advocate for kids. Talk to your local and state leaders about the importance of funding for Lotus and other youth serving organizations.
  8. Make a gift to Lotus to help fund services for children and families.


Sarah is a community impact intern at Lotus. She is a junior at Murray State studying organizational communication and is passionate about working in the nonprofit sector one day.




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