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New Sexual Violence Data from the CDC Confirms: Sexual Violence Remains a Widespread and Devastating Public Health Crisis


New Sexual Violence Data from the CDC Confirms: Sexual Violence Remains a Widespread and Devastating Public Health Crisis

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention has released new data on sexual violence gathered through the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). View the full report.

From the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (NAESV):

According to this report, 26.8% of women and 3% of men have experienced a completed or attempted rape in their lifetime. Almost half of women and almost a quarter of men have experienced other forms of unwanted sexual contact. Almost 9.5 million women and almost 4.5 million men experienced sexual violence in the past year. Sexual violence continues to happen at a young age: 48.7% of female victims of rape were first raped before the age of 18 and 40.9% of male victims made to penetrate were first victimized before age 18. New data also confirms that the vast majority of victims know the perpetrator with most incidents being committed by an acquaintance or intimate partner. Rates of sexual violence are particularly high for American Indian, Alaska Native, and multiracial women.

NISVS confirms that sexual violence has severe short and long term impacts. Among females, 1 in 7 victims contracted a sexually transmitted infection; 1 in 3 were injured; 2 in 3 were concerned for safety; 2 in 3 were fearful; and 1 in 7 became pregnant. Among male victims made to penetrate, 1 in 25 contracted a sexually transmitted infection; 1 in 18 were injured; 1 in 5 were concerned for safety; and 1 in 5 were fearful. Additionally, several health conditions were more prevalent in sexual violence victims including asthma, frequent headaches, chronic pain, and difficulty sleeping.

Read NAESV’s full statement.

This data confirms that sexual violence is a critical public health problem in our communities. Sexual violence:

  • starts early in life;
  • is overwhelmingly perpetrated by those known to the victim;
  • is commonly perpetrated against certain racial/ethnic minority groups; and
  • is associated with both immediate negative health impacts and lifetime health conditions.

Using an evidence-based approach to violence prevention, Lotus is working to inform, educate, and engage people to take action and create healthier communities that are committed to ending child abuse and sexual violence.

Each of us has the opportunity to make the everyday choices reflected in our attitudes, words, and behaviors which promote safety and communicate intolerance for violence. Together, we create a world where every person is safe and respected and can reach their full potential.

Learn more about how you can make an impact by joining Lotus in our mission to support survivors, strengthen families, and empower communities.

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